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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


It's been a while since I last posted, and there's good reason for that. There's been a lack of news for Pirate101 lately, and that's kept me from being super active. Today, though, progress is occurring. The Fansite Kit for Pirate101 has now been released (as many of you could probably guess from the new header). I can't tell you how excited I am to be getting even tiny little bits of new information.  Everything looks great, and I can't wait to be playing in another part of our Spiral with old friends and making new ones along the way.

There's also some exciting news for KingsIsle! Pirate101 is already taking the world by storm and winning some awards.  Dad Lab has also made a video. And for those pen-and-paper game lovers, check out this great link!

I know it's short and sweet, but that's all I've got for you today. Hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy the new kit from Pirate101 as much as I did!

[John Lifeglen?]

--Originally posted at Through the Eyes of a Privateer, pre-merge--

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