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Friday, December 16, 2011

Integer Dolor

That title is in Latin. It means "Finals Complete". Yep, I'm done with finals (wooootttt!). Now it's on to a much needed vacation that will doubtless be filled with all kinds of interesting things (Arcanists, Minecraft, Runescape's Christmas events when they come out, and that Wizard101 thing). My cohorts in crime are also done. More on that to come soonish. It shall be fun and entertaining (at the very least!).

I'm still having that party next Thursday night. I need to post about the contests, except only one contest will have details posted here. The other 3 will involve different means of social media. One contest hosted over on G+, one on Facebook, and the final on Twitter. The Twitter contest will involve finding a hidden area in one of my houses during the party and tweeting a very specifically worded tweet at me.  G+ will involve a scavenger hunt through the houses, and Facebook's is a surprise. For the contest here, I'll be playing a short game of Hide and Seek in-game, in one of my houses, during the party. Everyone will need to watch the blog during the party to see what secret phrase you'll need to say. I'll update that post as soon as I'm found, too, so you all stop your searching. Prizes will be announced at a later time. All 4 prizes (1 per contest) are being sponsored by the Wizard101 Bloggers' Club.

I wish those of you finishing up finals good luck, and I wish everyone and their families a very Merry Christmas! You'll be hearing me say that quite a bit soon. It is the most wonderful time of the year, after all.

Your Friend Always,
John Lifeglen

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