Hellooooooo Spiral fans, how are you all?
I have some excellent news for you all, Malorn Willowsmith called a Bloggers' Meeting earlier today and that led to an expansion of the Bloggers' Club. If anyone was at the meeting and needs the buttons please e-mail me HERE. If you missed the meeting and would like to join also click there.
Bloggers' Club is going ot be a ton of fun. I'm already thinking about the potential for a pet farming event, and I think someone had mentioned a magic show with a certain rat magician! Things are really shaping up well. Submissions for future event host can be sent to my Twitter account via DM or e-mailed through the link up there.
Everyone at the meeting was great today and I myself had a lot of fun. I would love to mention everyone but I don't think I can remember who all was there, and being new to this I have yet to remember to "click" first and ask questions later lol. No screenshots for this one!
Finally, I would like to remind everyone to keep an eye on the Countdown at the top. Location will not be given until then, and asking a member won't do you any good because they don't even know :p. This will not be another Ravenwood Ball where no one can get to the realm or area lol. That was a lot of fun too though!
I hope to see you all Wednesday, as that is when the countdown leads to if you haven't figured that out yet. Later :D
Your Friend Always,
John Lifeglen
PS. A friend and I are running Kensington and it looks like those evil clockworks have been slowed down as well! This should make Kensington a much easier farm. Let me know what you think about this change. I will be posting a poll on the side soon.
That's great your work really played off! ;D