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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Songs to PvP By

Howdy! Last time on Through the Eyes of a Sorcerer, I shared my most recent song parody with you all. This time, I'm curious as to what you think would make a solid PvP related song for Wizard101 for the album Songs to PvP By: Hits from Headaches from the Holidays. It's not a real album...yet. But with enough time and songs I might put something together and even try my hand at getting them all recorded (not me singing, but I know a couple of very musically talented young ladies!).

I just sent out a tweet asking for ideas for the next couple, and I'd also like to open up the floor to those without Twitter accounts! Comment on this post with your song title/artist and I'll see what I can do. The more support a song gets, the more likely I am to consider it. If it's an obscure song, please provide a link to it on YouTube for me to find easily!

Your Friend Always,
John Lifeglen

1 comment:

  1. Do the Final Fantasy XIII battle theme, Blinded by Light! It goes well with a Wizard101 duel...
