Countdown/Contact Information

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Changes and Finals

Heylooo out there! John Lifeglen giving a quick update in regards to finals week. I am alive and kicking. 1 finals down, 1 more today, then 1 Wednesday and 1 Thursday. Then I'm finished. Getting over halfway on day 1 is both a blessing and a curse, I suppose.

Now with party news! The party is set for the 22nd, which is a Thursday. Keep checking the countdown for up to the minute information on time. When the party countdown strikes 0, the information for a port bus will be revealed. I'll probably give everyone a heads up before the countdown drops, though. Please let me know if there's any conflict with party times. While I can't adjust the time (much) further, and the date is fairly locked-in, I can make changes to how the contest/s will be operated. I'll extend deadlines/ make myself available at a couple of other times to allow everyone to participate to the best of my ability!  Have a great and safe finals week. Good luck to all of the collegiate types out there, as well as any other students taking finals. You'll all do great!

Your Friend Always,
John Lifeglen

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