Countdown/Contact Information

Questions/Comments/Suggestions/Complaints/Squabbles/Issues/Feedback of any kind? E-mail me HERE.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Extravaganza Updates

The port bus will arrive in the Lincoln Area 1 Myth Tower at 7:55 CST, and the party will begin at 8. The countdown will activate at 8, as well, and give a nice big reminder to everyone where exactly the port bus will be! Contest times are subject to change and as such are not yet posted. You'll need to track me down on G+, Twitter, and Facebook in order to participate in all 4 contests! If you are too young to participate in G+, the contest will still be posted there publicly so that anyone may see it, and alternate means of entry will be made available to you. Get ready for an awesome time!

Your Friend Always,
John Lifeglen

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